1.Lay out all materials/supplies. Pull up the Maker Box 11 visual guide on the blog.

2.Take top off of jar and trace on back side of sparkly paper (top facing down). Cut out.

3.Glue sparkly paper on jar top.

4.Now it’s time to make your snowbabe! Glue 3 snowballs together. Let dry.

5.Twist white pipe cleaner around neck (between the top and middle pom). This will act as the stabilizer to keep your snow friend from tipping over.

6.Next you will add the arms. Grab your 2 tan pipe cleaners. Bend one end to make hands by creating 2 loops that look like mittens. Trim arm to desired length and bend bottom to make the shoulder. Now glue on each side of the snowbabe. Allow to dry.

7.Now comes the fun part! Decorate your snowbabe with included poms and sequins. There are poms for eyes and nose and half a sequin for mouth. You can also add some cheeks with the pink sequins.

8.Tie your scarf and trim the ends to add fringe.

9.Hot glue your snowbabe on the top of the jar. Be sure to also glue the stabilizing pipe cleaner.

10.Decorate the top of the jar as desired. You can add a bottle brush tree and a snowball pile. I added a snowball in one hand and a candy cane in the other. Make as many candy canes as desired with the red and white pipe cleaner provided. Just cut and bend into shape!

11.Lastly fill the jar with treats. If you are giving your jar as a gift, add a gift tag. Cut out desired gift tag. Hole-punch or poke a hole in the tag and add some twine. Tie around your jar.

12.You’re done! Feel to add any additional decorations to make it your own.

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